Sarcophyton sp. Toadstool Leather Coral. One of our favorite; it has puffed up quite a bit since it was introduced (easy to do of course since their bodies are mostly water!)

Purple Sea Plume gorgonian (Pseudopterogorgia bipinnata) This was actually fragged from one of our first corals, which was stung to death by a C. florida anemone... The polyp extension looks really good.

Lime Green Candy Cane Coral (Caulastrea furcata) Since it has been in the display tank, it has been extending feeding tentacles out in the evening and at night- which was a behavior I had not seen in the past. I've fed it mysis shrimp a couple of times already- pretty cool. (Not a very good photo- I'll try later to get one with the feeding tentacles extended.)

Here are some photos of the tank with all of the current critters in place:

I did some additional tests today- Nitrates: 0.5 (still!); Nitrates: 2; 0 Ammonia. A little concerned that there are still detectable nitrites, so I'm feeding very conservatively for now.
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