Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Spring Cleaning

I finally got tired of looking at the hair algae growing up from the bottom of the birdsnest coral at the top of the tank... so I pulled it off and cleaned it as best I could.  It is now resting on the sand bed, and hopefully the algae will rest in peace!

Of course, I had to replace it with something!  I picked up a good size gold and green Acropora frag from Chris' store, and while I was there noticed a great deal on a red, tabling Acropora frag, so...

Here they are photoadapting on the bottom of the aquarium.  Decent photos from Ryan of the corals in their final position coming soon!

The hermit crab seems very interested!

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Sunday, May 2, 2010

New Coral Update

Last weekend I picked up this branching torch coral (Euphyllia glabrescens) from Einstein Aquatics.  I attached it to a piece of coral rubble, and it seems pretty happy in the back of the tank.  (I'm sure that Ryan will be glad to know that I am putting the random rocks I drag home from vacation to good use!)

Hopefully Big Girl will decide to hang out here, instead of the pump outlet she is currently using as her home...

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