The first view we had was the Jack Crevalle exhibit, where the jacks swim around and around on either side of the aquarium entrance.
The next stop was the Pacific Sea Nettles (jellyfish). This is the one display where the creatures swam slowly enough for me to photograph with my camera phone! (No iPhone here...)
Evie seemed to enjoy watching the jellies float by (they were somehow floating in a loop from top to bottom) but was not overly impressed.
The next stop was the highlight of the trip- the Pacific Reef Slope. We spent a lot of time watching the reef fish (and a couple of blacktip sharks) swim by. This display earned a good number of claps and excited yells!
Here is a video of Evie enjoying the fish swimming by:
Of course, we visited the famous Whale Shark exhibit on the way out. It was interesting, but not too exciting- where did all of those colorful fish go?
At the end of the afternoon, there was one tired baby (and Daddy!) We hope to come back soon.