Here are some photos of the frags acclimating on the bottom of the tank. This is the blue-green Acropora:

This is the Acro. from another angle. A new chalice coral (Oxypora or Echinophyllia spp.) is behind it. Not pictured is a 2-headed red Acanthastrea Hillae. It did not seem to like the dip I gave it, so it is acclimating in a dark, quiet corner.

The coral on the left is a new Favites frag, it is an interesting yellow and orange color. The coral on the right is one of the two warty corallimorphs (Discosoma sanctithomae) that we moved to the front of the tank; it has really expanded!

Here is another Acropora frag. It's already at the top of the rock, and has started to show some pretty cool colors. (I have no idea what is is supposed to look like.)

This is a "night" photo of the new Favia extending its sweeper tentacles. I think that's a good sign that it is settling in- now we just have to decide where to place it. ELFie seems to think it is interesting too!